At first I
was afraid of trying out any alcoholic drink, so I asked my friend which drink
he would recommend for me. And he suggested BACARDI BREEZER would be a
perfect drink as it tastes very good and above all has very less alcoholic
content. Well, I tried orange flavor at first and then, being me, I wanted to
experiment and try out the other flavours that have those tantalizing colours,
Cranberry, Lime, Melon etc. However, I think that the orange flavour was the
best, closely followed by Lime.
It is novel
beverage as far as the Indian liquor market goes. For guys who trip on
beer or other drinks, it is a welcome relief.
Orange by far is the best flavour if one is
having a breezer. The orange flavour indulges ones taste buds with a tropical
orange smoothie –a juicy orange sensation with a blend of vanilla, blended with
Bacardi Rum.
drinking Orange Breezer I can conclude that it has the best taste and I feel
refreshed after having it.
The game at the link http://www.breezerindia.com/game.html is awesome and everyone shoud play it
The game at the link http://www.breezerindia.com/game.html is awesome and everyone shoud play it